
panel no.2 +

named appropriately

paper painted/torn/reformed



36x36” canvas black box = Paper painted/torn + reformed

continual rebirth

measure; proportion
(of time): period; season
(often in a positive sense) 
proper time; perfect, delicate, crucial moment; the fleeting rightness of time and place that create the opportune atmosphere for action, words or movement

(loosely): Godspeed; God’s time
(in the plural): the times
advantage; profit  =


Meditation = time/illumination/fragmented realities

Background: a gun (toy/not toy) directly pointed or the frame of a fresh start/skin shedding/holy smoke/ natural world/ deep renewal


  • Painted paper torn

    Reference is 24 x 36” of personal M&O moment photographed in India. The story behind it involves a monsoon, a lagoon + courageous me. This rising parrot was my ghost design brand image for 15yrs + formulated the company name RiseJewelry.

  • + replaced

    A professional pivot away/towards these birds is now a matter of perception.


Divine Greek Masculine Feminine Soul

Feel: energetic reality within ancient knowingness + (juicy lower lip) chewing tattooed peace within brutal journey of truth

no lines were drawn/“two to look, one to see”

+ the eye tracks canvas side —> canvas side

Paper painted/torn/reformed 36 x 30”canvas



spirit/ancient hands presenting:

12 x 12” paper painted/torn/reformed

greatest truth answered + ask again later


PAPER painted/torn/reformed = self-portrait as the embodiment of fluid

24 x 30"

On January 5, 1995 a Pittsburg bank robbery without masks revealed 2 men + their belief that lemon juice would make them invisible to cameras. I was in the market for invisibility shielding back then + never forgot this story.
This piece goes sorta like that, differently. 
Masks are created for a reason + for many, invisibly is easier than speaking. Like this artist half-a-face so sweetly rebuilt, publicly few can spot the rigid/unnatural. There it is difficult to speak + now it has nothing to do with the metal that rebuilt it. Another’s word can be affective enough to silent the silenced, even if it’s mistruth. Abracadabra IRL: as I speak, I create/correct a reality created without permission.
For those bothered by outside chill + cubed + chin-up, sight/sounds are inside holding truth.

Sugar within dissolving the sour of betrayal + a solid overpour = forgiveness for foolish surrounding.

All of it a watermark ring splash of sticky remembrance, until wiped clean.
For all appearances:

a canvas reflection of invisibility shielding to bitterness + reformed into less self/more fluid…evermore wholesomely good + universally loved.

Trick: Pleochroism

One Canvas / Paper Painted/Torn/Reformed 5x / 2018-2022

In 2018, a stonecutter presented the optical phenomenon called pleochroism. Watching a crystal completely change its color by polarized wavelengths of light was fascinating to me. Several days later + still on my mind, this draft was created.

The idea was to use one canvas = an original crystal cluster experiencing where the light enters. By using one canvas, the process required imagery no longer observed to be stripped away for the next light treatment/stage. When the paint is paper, deconstruction = sculptural + another mental twist.

This also allows for a sort of archival result of color to build on its own + carry through each piece to the final piece/conclusion of places where the light has been.

Deus ex Machina

trust fall backwards


24 x 12” canvas

the artist + the art

A background = unknown + now is right too.

So it is, trust within beginning that is complete for now.

Former Trick: